Monday, July 15, 2013

Marriages is Losing The Sparks

Many marriages in Singapore is reported to be losing the sparks. The older couples are splitting when the children are grown up and become independent. The sociology blames the life style as the major contributor. The parents are investing their times on the children as well as their career, so when they get older, the career ends and the children are independent. Leaving the couple alone, they are not ready to live for each other.

The statistics shows the following...

a. The total divorce rate fell by 4.8% to 7241 in 2012.
b. The divorce rate for population aged above 45 years had increased by 26%.
c. About 420 men and 77 women above 60 get married last year, compared to 145 men and 19 women in 2002.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Aid for the Husbands

It may sound odd, but in Malaysia organisations are being formed to protect the husbands against the abusive wives. It is called Mafor, or man-aid force, a registered NGO intended to assist men who are being unjustly accused of sexual harassment and the husbands  who receive domestic violence.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Malaysian Unmarried Men

The Malaysian population census on 2010 showed that 2.5 millions above the age of 25 were unmarried. They were either never married, divorced or widows.

The statistics show that out of 2.5million, 64.4 were men and 35.6% were women.  The average marrying age for men were 28 and for women was 25.

A further survey by the ministry showed that 32% of the respondents were never married, the majority of whom are men  (56%) and women (44%).

Among the reasons quoted for not marrying are:
a. They have not met any suitable candidates (19%)
b. Career commitment (13%)
c. Family Commitment (7%)

Currently, there are a number of private agencies that operate the match making companies. The situation for Malaysian are still under control, as the population is still growing, unlike some other nation like Singapore.