Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Roads Leading to an Affair

As the saying goes, there are many roads to Rome. This is to show how grand Rome was, and there were many roads built to access the city.

However, little do we know, that there are more roads leading to an Affair. An affair may sound romantic, but believe me, once the excitement is over, the wounds are plenty. It will make so many to suffer, your cheated spouse, your friends and most of all your children.

This is a story confessed in the paper. He put it as if he was caught in the middle, and was looking for help.  he was in the late 20 and having a good position in a firm. He fell in love with one of his staff, a lady about 2 years older, married with 2 children. " She is so understanding and caring". That was what he said.

This is one big road leading to an affair. As he and she see each other almost daily. It is easy to build up trust especially in a non commitment relationship. But the list is too great. The issue right and wrong has to be thought through,

Friday, February 25, 2011

Looking up for sign of cheating husband

Watch out for sign of a cheating husband.

As it has always been said, a husband needs the second lie to cover the first lie.For example, he may chat on the relationship with his wife. To cover for their diner date, he may say, he will be going to a friend's house, that is the second lie. He may get his friend to collaborate and cook a story.

Watch this video.. it sound so familiar.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Tell if Your Wive is Cheating

It is important to get the feel if someone is cheating you. In business dealing, this knowledge can save you from financial difficulties. In marriage, it more critical, as marriage is the relationship of trust.

I had come across in article suggesting ways to detect if you wife is trying to cheat . Keep a close look at the body language.Take careful  note of how she behave when she is telling the truth. Keep a record of it. If you have it, it will be easier to note of she tries to cheat.

----------------------How would you like to become the person no one could ever lie to? How would you like to learn some of the most mind blowing tricks most people out there would never know which would give you the ultimate power to figure people out and really see when they are lying to you. You see this would come in real handy if you are trying to catch lies from your spouse or when you doubt that your spouse might be cheating on you. Read on to discover what these tricks are and how you can easily catch a lie from your spouse...
Very closed body language- If your spouse s really telling you lies he/she would have a hard time opening up completely to you. They would have a closed body language where their body would never be completely face in your direction. They would be in some other direction and at the same time they would look around a lot with their eyes. They would have a hard time maintaining a strong eye contact with you.
Vet loud reaction to very simple questions- Your spouse might end up showing a lot of reaction to a very simple question. This happens when he/she has already lied to you but does not seem to have a good enough explanation for it yet. That's the reason why they get highly reactive since they just don't have an answer ready yet.
Comfort levels decrease- If your spouse is really lying to you his/her comfort levels would automatically decrease and they would seem very uptight and very nervous around you. You can easily spot that by noticing the way they are breathing. You see if they are nervous their rate of breathing would instantly increase and they would struggle to relax around you. They would always be in the lookout to escape the situation.
The best possible way to catch your cheating spouse- Do you know that there are some stunning tricks using which you can catch a cheating spouse within seconds? These ways are so effective that they are guaranteed to reveal the truth and end all the lies within seconds.....You can't afford to miss this at any cost- Click Here

Monday, February 21, 2011

repair broken heart

It is time to repair a broken heart.

Disagreement happen all the time, after all we are all created with the different, and it is the different that need to compliment each other. The magic of making up, is truly great  to help patches back the difference between me and her, husband and wife.

 I had note a good article in the

It is true, when the heart is still longing for her, getting her back will be the dream of the lifetime.


Why is "The Magic Of Making Up" ebook so popular with people? Why has author T.W. Jackson been able to help so many people get back together with an ex with this straightforward easy to follow ebook and course?
You have to wonder why this relationship rebuilding course in particular got to be so popular throughout the world.
Why has author T.W. Jackson been able to help over 50,000 people in over 77 countries get back with an ex?
You know, the best advertising for any product is word of mouth. If a product is good, other people are going to share it and pass along its goodness.
Especially with social sites like Facebook and Twitter these days.
This course is one of the most searched for online. People who search for "how to make up with a lost love" can tell by what others have shared and experienced that they'll be getting high quality actionable information when they buy.
So What is the Attraction To T.W. Jackson and His Work?
T.W. Jackson is a relational person who is able to gain the trust of those he comes into contact with. He's not someone who went to relationship repair school...(if there is such a place!)...he doesn't have a doctorate's degree in psychology or any other diploma on the wall, but to me, he has three special things about him that have contributed to the success of his book above other similar books available.
1. T.W. Jackson is genuine and it comes through in his communication. If you've watched any of the helpful videos T.W. made for people in relationship turmoil, you'll be able to feel his sincerity.
He actually cares about the people who buy his book. He receives hundreds of emails and letters every month, which he does his best to answer on time.
Even over a computer monitor, most people can pick up on sincerity and the desire to give good service. T.W. and his course are at the top of the rankings because his true character comes through.
You could say that T.W. has the gift of the gab...and also the gift of connecting with people. Somehow, he just seems to know the right things to say and do for people who are newly broken up.
2. T.W. Jackson didn't have the most stable upbringing or grow up in a bed of roses. T.W. grew up in a military family in the U.S. and moved around alot as a kid. He'll be the first to tell you how he had to deal with new circumstances constantly and how he had to learn how to make friends quickly and easily...and how he discovered how to influence people...(the right way).
A lot of people would say that real life lessons can't be found in the halls of higher learning or textbooks. This is not to say you cannot benefit from a relationship counselor who has years of experience and credentials. This is just a reminder that people can also benefit from folks like T.W. who draw upon and speak from their own unique experiences.
What's another good reason why this course outshines a lot of the others out there?
Because the wisdom T.W. Jackson put into this course comes from his real life experiences and school of hard knocks.
3. T.W. Jackson knows how to talk and teach concepts simply and clearly. Having assisted so many thousands of people in many countries around the world rebuild their lives and love, T.W. has a way of explaining concepts clearly and simply.
He teaches you what you need to know about yourself, your partner and what steps to take to rebuild your relationship. He teaches you how to take a good look at yourself and your relationship, which is where the journey begins.
I hope this article has helped you understand a little bit more about the 'magic' hiding within "The Magic of Making Up"...the man himself, T.W. Jackson.
I hope this has answered your most burning question "can my relationship be saved, with the help of a man who works in the relationship trenches with folks every day?"
Not sure if The Magic Of Making Up can help your situation? Read more about what T.W. Jackson's course is all about, and claim your additional "Mind Magic" buyer's bonus from this page:
Thank you, for you time to read the article.
I wish , we do not reach this stage, as the people had been saying, prevention is better than cure. It is harder to repair a broken hear...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

no solace for cheating spouse

I read the story in one of the paper about the story about a man and a women who were cheating their spouses. Both of them are married and they had been doing this for the last 4 years. Then the cheating husband cheated on his girl. The girl, who was cheating her husband, turned to a lesbian for conform.

How would you respond emotionally to this?.

This is what he wrote in a paper, seeking advise:..

Part 1
N and I are married to but not to each other, we had different spouses, they do not about the affair. N and I have almost everything.. love, purpose, passion and most of all a wonderful sex life.

Comment 1.
You are most of the most coward that I have ever seen. The institution of marriage had been the best test institution for family stability. You do check on any civilize society, and the basis of the strength come from a strong stable family.

If your truly love her, you want her to and the children that she bear, to be able to face the world. Now you are living like a convicts, in constant fear of being caught. The children have no chance to be yours.

Part 2
When she went abroad to see her husband, I had a fling with another women. When N knew it, hell broke loss. Then she reconnect with her old classmate, who were a lesbian. Now her classmate live with her.
Comment 2
This fit in well. A cheater is alway remain a cheater. You cheated your wife and then you girl friend. I think you had found the best suited partner, a girl who cheated on her husband. It is only appropriate, the two of similar kind forming a union of immoral grouping.

The only way forward is to start it fresh, not with another cheating wife of other man, but with your own wife. There are always the good point of a person. Return to the right path,in whatever religious group you belong to. As for your girl friend that went for another girl, she is the most ungratefull lady.  She said her husband is a good man, may be she should realize then, that she is not worth to be his wife. She is scoop too low in life.