Saturday, September 10, 2011

types of infidelity

There are many different types of infidelity. First, we look at the definition of it.
Infidelity is a broken trust. When you are marriage you expect your spouse to hold true the trust given to him or her. I marry you because I trust you, that you will not break it. Once broken, it is very hard to mend it, the like of the china that shattered to the ground, can no longer be repaired.(... the local proverb)

Spouse is suppose to be the most important person to moments of happiness and sadness, emotionally attached and sexually intimate.

However now, with easier mean of communication, with many ways to reach each other, the act of infidelity is easier to come by. Now there many more ways to cheat on you spouse. I am suggesting you do, but this is how the experts see them..

The different facets or types of infidelity
1. Internet infidelity
Guess what?. It is too easy to fall into this trap, much easier than cooking a good dinner. You had a row with your spouse. You do not want to talk to your friend.. for you do not believe in exposing the weakness of your partner.
So what do you do? Go the you computer and express you feeling to the 'faceless' friend in the social media. You feed comfortable, as he does not know you. He who you do not know  cannot cause harm. Soon the relationship bloom, and you share more of your personal life with him.
As long as the relationship remain within the media of internet, it will still be known as internet infidelity. However it can be very easily evolve to be more than virtual talk. It can turn to a dinner or a lunch date.
"Hi, I happen to be in your town for my business meeting this Thursday, the return flight will be in the late evening, I will be really nice if..."

2. Emotional infidelity
Until recently, emotional infidelity was not classified within the types of infidelity. Although the relationship does not involve sex, it can easily destroy marriage as the third party is becoming the more important person in life.The spouse will share his/her intimate feelings and thought with the third person. The relationship is mutual, and they will find it fulfilling. Each will be supporting the other emotionally.

3. Sexual infidelity
This is the final straw that break up the thin line of marriage. Many people may not realize at the ease in which to fall into this trap. It is like walking on a tight rope, the lost of a moment of concentration and focus can cause the fall. They will always say and talk about the excitement of it. But a moment of 10 minutes of excitement can burn down a relationship build up in 10 or 20 years. Too much is at stake... your marriage, your children, your family and no to mention your health

The worst type of infidelity is the combination of all. HE is emotionally cheating, sexually diverted, and spends times and money with the third party.

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