Thursday, March 22, 2012

Marriage Style

A leading psychologists who spent 30 year of her life doing research on divorce cases, has classified marriage into 5 different styles. The styles has something to do with the way the couple communicate, the way they establish their roles and responsibility and how they look up onto each other.

According to her research, the marriage style that most likely DO NOT ended in divorce are the cohesive marriage and the traditional marriage. However always bear in mind of the social setting of the research, which was conducted on European community in USA. This may affect the validity of the result if you happen to be of different social background.

The 5 styles are as follows..

1. Traditional marriage - This is the style of your grandparents in the old days. The husband is the bread winner in the ruler of the house. The wife looks after the house, cook the food and take care of the children. This style is likely do not end in divorce. However the research shows that the couple are not happy. I wonder why?. This style of marriage work well if both the spouse keep to their role.If the role changes, the stability of the marriage is affected.

2. Cohesive Marriage - This looks like a part time marriage. Both the husband and wife have different world of their own, each pursuing separate career, different interests or different circles of friends, but at the end of the day ( or weeks or months) they will fall back into each others arm. They provide the mutual support and draw the strength for each other.
Most modern couple idealize this marriage. However the key point for success is to keep faithful and true to each other.

3. Disengaged Marriage - This is the style most common to successful professional. The marriage is only symbolic, as they are  so self-sufficient and do not really need each other. They are not really interested in each other. They too rarely fight, as fighting and arguments require the couple to be engaged. Most of the time they live like two separate individual and if they are divorced, thee dont seem to be too be change to their style

4. Operatic Marriage - This is for emotionally volatile persons. Seem to be interesting to look from outside  but unlikely to be nice to be in. They seem to have the highest sexual satisfaction score, even if they fight, they are likely to end up with sex.

5. Distant Marriage - This is likely to end up in divorce. The spouse build up barrier around self to protect against the spouse. For example, the wife want to discuss an issue, the husband does not want it, she withdraw and take his action to mean he is not interested in her. Her action cause him to be resentful, make him cold and bitter.
If there is no channel to open the communication, it can get worst. Normally some item of common interest will re-link couple. Issues such as children, or something they share dearly, can restart to fire the relationship..

Well, which is  your marriage style?. There are always ways to make it better.

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